Exciting times at Campus Biotech!

We’re thrilled to share a sneak peek into our latest advancements in human neuroscience research, with cutting-edge installations now operational at Campus Biotech in Geneva!

Our new facilities are designed to push the boundaries of understanding the human brain, fostering innovation, and enabling groundbreaking research. From advanced neuroimaging technologies to state-of-the-art labs, we’re equipped to support pioneering studies that could transform healthcare and improve lives globally.

In our latest video, get an insider’s view of these incredible installations allowing brilliant minds to drive research forward. Their dedication and passion are truly inspiring, and we’re proud to be at the forefront of neuroscience discovery.

Watch the video now to explore our new facilities and join us on this exciting journey of discovery and innovation!


At the heart of Campus Biotech lies an ensemble of state-of-the-art platforms dedicated to human neuroscience research, and open to everyone.

Several units specialize in various modalities to image and / or stimulate the brain.

  • We provide high-end equipment, for instance dedicated to non-invasive brain stimulation, but also expertise to support researchers and help them design new studies involving one or several imaging modalities, for instance motion capture and virtual reality.
  • EEG systems can record brain activity using hundreds of electrodes located on the subject scalp.
  • A new service of blood sampling and biomarker analysis has seen the day.
  • A team of VR engineers can create or recreate 3D environments, and even generate new video games dedicated to research.
  • Campus Biotech hosts the first MEG system of Switzerland, a MEGIN TRIUX™ neo that can record the tiny magnetic fluxes generated by our brains when neurons fire.
  • The clinical and sleep research platform provides a safe environment to welcome subjects, patients, and families on Campus, and can also be used during nights and naptime to perform sleep research.
  • Our MRI facility shelters two MRI scanners.  The 3 Tesla MRI scanner is a strong system dedicated to neuroscience research, providing exquisite structural and functional brain imaging data.
  • The 7 Tesla MRI scanner is a SIEMENS Healthineers MAGNETOM Terra.X new generation system with improved image resolution, and faster image acquisition, benefiting from the latest technological advances in artificial intelligence.

Contact us for more information.