A new refurbished building
The Human Neuroscience Platform (HNP) has succesfully expanded in 2022 to offer more experiental space and services to the scientific community at Campus Biotech. Here is what to look out for in the new H4 building:

The recently refurbished H4.01 building at Campus Biotech includes additional HNP offices for the MEEG-BCI and Virtual Reality team, as well as new experimental space dedicated to human neuroscience. Fully integrated into the HNP, these spaces can be booked through the conventional booking system in place at Campus Biotech.
The new experimental space includes:

The brand new 100 m² MEG platform, hosting a new generation MEGIN TRIUX™ neo MEG system, first of its kind in Switzerland, and several analysis stations

8 EEG cabins dedicated to high-quality HD-EEG recordings

6 new 15 m² multi-purpose cabins integrated to the CSRU dedicated to subject interviews and/or to keep longitudinal setups installed for extended periods of time
Other novelties include:

A P2 platform dedicated to genetic and biomarker on-site analysis, as a new service provided by the HNP

New office space for the Virtual Reality and MEEG-BCI teams next to the MEG platform

New office space for the MRI research support team from Siemens Healthineers and the CIBM, and a hot desking area for their collaborators on the 7T MRI
Three new services
The Human Neuroscience Platform (HNP) located at Campus Biotech in Geneva, Switzerland has recently announced three new services that will be available to researchers and scientists in 2023. These services include genetic and biomarker analysis, 7 Tesla MRI, and MEG. Click here to know more.