Corticospinal Imaging in Virtual Reality  study

The study investigates the neural basis of multisensory integration in healthy individuals in an immersive virtual reality environment using functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) of the brain and spinal cord.

We are seeking participants for an ongoing corticospinal imaging study at Campus Biotech in Geneva. Please find attached an information flyer with details about the study, including the inclusion criteria.BSC_MSIstudy_Flyer

If you meet the eligibility requirements and are interested in participating, we would be delighted to hear from you to schedule a scanning session based on your availability and the scanner’s schedule in the coming weeks.

The study will take place at the 3T MRI facility at Campus Biotech (Building H8).

Participants will receive a reimbursement of 40 CHF as compensation for their time.

Should you have any questions or need additional information, please don’t hesitate to contact us. 

Thank you for considering this opportunity. We look forward to hearing from you!

MRI examinations are safe and non-invasive, provided you meet the inclusion criteria below. Your personal data will be treated in confidentiality. Your participation will bring you no medical benefit.

Exclusion criteria

  • Pacemakers or non-MR-compatible metallic objects in the body
  • Claustrophobia
  • An inability to understand or follow procedures or give consent

Inclusion criteria:

  • Healthy individuals
  • Age 18 years and above
  • Right-handed
  • Height 170 cm (5’6 ft) and above
  • Normal or corrected-to-normal vision, otherwise -3 to +3 power acceptable
  • Willing and able to provide informed consent study participation
  • No evidence of a known history of neurological or neuromuscular diseases
  • No color vision deficience 


Interested ? Please contact us by email at