Modulation of Memory and Emotion Regulation
Modulation of Memory and Emotion Regulation study
Purpose of the study:
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of non-invasive brain stimulation on the modulation of emotion regulation, physiological reactivity, and memory to understand and enhance these cognitive processes.
Procedure and duration of the study:
Our study will span 7 days and require you to attend lab on 3 separate occasions, each lasting 1-1.5 hours. During your visits, you will be asked to complete questionnaires, engage with emotional stimuli, perform various tasks, and receive Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS), a safe, weak, and non-invasive form of brain stimulation. Additionally, we will take physiological measurements (e.g. heart rate, respiratory rate).
The pictures that we will present in our study may include unpleasant emotional content. In addition, brain stimulation may have mild and temporary side effects, such as tingling or itching sensations on the scalp. You are free to discontinue your participation if they cause you discomfort.
Compensation: 90 CHF
we are looking for individuals
-Adult : 18 to 40 years
-Good health
-Fluent in French or English
– no history of neurological disease
– no brain surgery
-no epilepsy
-no seizures
-no brain damage
-no head injury
-no metallic brain implants
-no history of psychiatric or severe mental impairment
-no history of substance use disorders.
Additionally, participants must not be taking any medications that affect the central nervous system.
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